Monday, 1 April 2019

Online Blackjack - Two Simple Strategies For Success

While No Limit Poker may be the hottest current casino option on the online, blackjack remains an extremely popular option as well. Although blackjack has been one of the most popular games in live casinos for some 100 years, its popularity soared even higher in 1962 thanks to Dr. Edward O. Thorp, a mathematics professor with a Ph.D. from UCLA. In that year Thorp's book, Beat the Dealer, provided the mechanism for devoted followers to take the advantage away from the house by religiously tracking count of the cards remaining in play.
Another flurry of excitement in the game occurred in 2008 thanks to the popular movie "21", based on the best selling novel "Bringing Down the House". This story followed the adventures of a team of MIT students who used the card counting methods pioneered by Dr. Thorp to win millions from Las Vegas casinos. Blackjack players everywhere were emboldened and excited with this story of success at the Vegas tables.
Unfortunately, when it comes to the game of online blackjack many of the strategies that are so valuable in a live casino, including card counting, prove to be of little use when gambling on the online. But the most critical underlying premise of card counting is every bit as valuable even though the opportunities to use it may be fewer. It's really very simple: to be a winner at blackjack you must wager larger amounts on those hands that you are most likely to win. The rules of the game virtually guarantee that the player will lose more hands than he wins, so the only way to profit is to win the big money hands and lose the small money hands.
In a live casino, card counting enables a player to determine before the deal whether he has a better than even chance of winning the hand, and he can therefore bet a larger amount before seeing any of the dealt cards. But with online blackjack this strategy of betting heavier on good hands can only be applied after the cards are dealt. And just what, you may ask, is the best way to accomplish this?
If you're familiar with basic blackjack strategy you know that, even with card counting play, the way you bet after the cards are dealt is extremely critical. Depending on the cards you hold and the card the dealer shows, there are a variety of excellent ways to put more money into play when you have an advantage. And if you're not familiar with the basic blackjack strategy as described by Dr. Thorp you should be, because it is a key element in winning at online blackjack.
The critical situations that you encounter after cards are dealt will center on two primary strategies: doubling down and splitting pairs. Depending on the specific situation, these can be excellent methods of putting more of your money into action when you already know that the odds are now in your favor.
Playing blackjack is not only exciting, it's also an excellent way to accumulate significant winnings over the long term. Study the basic strategy as outlined by Thorp almost 50 years ago and follow it religiously, especially as regards doubling down and slitting pairs, and your chances of winning consistently at online blackjack will increase dramatically.


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